Abby Thrasher
Health & Wellness CoachAbout Abby
I’m Abby – National Board Certified Health & Wellness Coach
As far back as I can remember, I’ve been drawn to the healing and helping professions. This strong interest led me down the path of getting a BA in Psychology and later a MS in Occupational Therapy. As an Occupational Therapist for 12 years, I worked primarily in Mental Health settings, supporting patients through 1:1 and group interventions focused on coping skills, healthy habits, and value, strength-based goal setting. As a lifelong dancer and yoga student for the past 27 years, I bring an embodied perspective to my coaching to support my clients in connecting to the wisdom that their bodies can bring to the process of change and transformation.


Postpartum Support
Like a lot of new Mom’s, I often felt overwhelmed and depleted as I navigated the challenges of sleep deprivation and breastfeeding, while also striving to balance self-care / me time, quality time with my partner and the round-the-clock care of our new baby girl. All of this, coupled with often feeling socially isolated, led me down the road of Postpartum Depression (PPD). Approximately 1 in 7 women suffer from PPD but a lot of the factors that contribute to it are within our control with the right support. As your coach, I will partner with you as you navigate the transformative life transition of becoming a mother.

Weight Management
Have you been trying to get to that healthy weight, but feeling stuck in a yo-yo cycle? Whether you’re working with a clinician or going at it solo, I will support you with implementing the recommendations being made and help you in achieving the goals you identify, by breaking them down into realistic, specific, measurable steps. Let’s take the next step together.

Stress Management
Stress falls on a spectrum ranging from too little stress, which can result in boredom or lack of motivation to excessive stress, which we know leads to a multitude of mental, emotional, and physical maladies. Eustress refers to the “just right” amount of stress that is considered beneficial and healthy. Our ability to cope with and regulate our stressors directly affects how we perceive and respond to stress. Wherever you may fall on the spectrum, together we will increase your awareness of triggers and identify and experiment with various strategies so that you can thrive.