
Conquering Unhealthy Habits

Conquering Unhealthy Habits

There’s a lot of advice about incorporating new healthy habits but that’s only part of it.What about eliminating the unhealthy habits that are detrimental to our health? A little bit of neuroscience: For our brain, habits become automatic, so when we try to stop an...

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Happy National Simplicity Day!

Happy National Simplicity Day!

Happy National Simplicity Day! Today is a good opportunity to pause and take inventory of how we are living our lives each day and what we are filling our time with. Reflecting on our values can guide us in determining what we want to keep in our lives and what is no...

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It’s Your Time to Bloom!

It’s Your Time to Bloom!

Your time to bloom… As we move into the season of Spring we welcome the sun, warm weather activities, and the beautiful colors of nature re-emerging and blooming. This is a time that invites us to reflect on where we’ve been, how we’ve grown and in what ways we want...

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World Peace Meditation Day

World Peace Meditation Day

Every year, World Peace Meditation Day is held on December 31 as we all contemplate the start of a new year. It is commonly known that when people are at peace with themselves, they are more likely to seek out and build peaceful relationships in their community and...

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Work-Life Balance, Does it Exist?

Work-Life Balance, Does it Exist?

Where did the idea of “work-life balance” come from exactly? It’s crazy to think that during the Industrial Revolution, prior to the 1920’s, the average work week was between 70-100 hours!! Can you imagine?! It was Henry Ford who established the “nine to five” workday...

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Self-care as an Act of Radical Self-Love!

Self-care as an Act of Radical Self-Love!

Self-care as an act of Radical Self-Love! Life can get very busy and hectic and it’s common for our self-care practices to get de-prioritized and fall to the wayside. But the periods when we feel we don’t have time for self-care, are almost always the times when we...

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